Thursday, December 27, 2012

Why Do You Want to Lose Weight?

This seems like a very obvious question and an equally obvious answer.
And yet you would be surprised by the answers. 

Myself, personally, it is because I am tired. 
Tired of feeling tired. 
Tired of looking in the mirror and not liking what I see. 
Tired of having to try on several outfits each day because they are too tight and uncomfortable. 
Tired of not having the energy to even move most days. 

At my age (51) it is more difficult to lose weight than it was a few years ago. 
Menopause has reared its ugly head into my life making it even more difficult. 

When a woman is undergoing menopause, estrogen levels decrease dramatically. When this occurs, weight is redistributed to the stomach, with an increase of cholesterol, risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.
Naturally, as people age, muscle mass decreases and the metabolism will slow down, the body requiring fewer calories. More then often, the calorie intake remains the same. In addition to this weight gain and muscle loss, the older people get, the less they tend to be active, so not only are they now eating more calories then the body requires, they are burning less. Last but not least is the role of stress. Woman at this age have lived through at least half a lifetime of it. During this time they have endured stress that may have involved children and also the additional stress of menopause itself. Stress leads to weight gain and comfort eating.

I am determined to make this lifestyle change.
I am determined to lose this unwanted weight. 
I am going to do this! 
I am starting the HCG Diet next week.
Will you join me? 
Its not to late to click the links and order your supply today!
Place your order today!

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