Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 3 of the Gorge and Shopping Day

Day 3 of gorging and its been tough!  
It amazes me how hard it it to do the gorging phase when obviously 
overeating is what got me here in the first place!

Time to make a shopping list and head off to the grocery store!
Tomorrow will be day number 1 of the very low calorie diet and I want to be prepared.

Below is Dr Simeons' Protocol.
The dos and dont's. 
As with any weight loss regime,
I have learned on my previous rounds that you have to experiment and find what works for you.
There are some great recipes that I will be sharing that work well with the VLCD.
Stay tuned!


1. Liquids: You must drink at least two quarts of water, but up to a 
gallon is preferred. This amount of fluid should be spaced throughout 
the day. It is best to use filtered water instead of tap. (1 rule of thumb is 
to divide your weight in half and drink that many ounces of water 
minimum per day). 
2. Breakfast: Tea (herbal, green black etc.) in any quantity. You may 
drink tea or coffee throughout the day if desired. You may sweeten your 
tea or coffee with stevia. 
3. Lunch and Dinner: Your choice of 3.5 ounces (measured raw) of 
super lean beef, veal, chicken breast, turkey breast, white fish, lobster, 
crab, shrimp. 
Ensure that the meat is very lean with no marbling. All visible fat must 
be removed before cooking. The meat can be cooked by broiling, 
grilling, or boiling with no additional fat or oils. Again, all meat is to be 
carefully weighed in the uncooked state. 
Vegetables, from the following list can be chosen per meal: (calories 
shown are for ½ cup) You may mix your vegetables, however, if you 
stall on weight loss one of the first tricks to stop a stall is to stop mixing 
your vegetables. 

Cauliflower (32) Lettuce, chard, bok choy, beet (13) 
Broccoli (32) Asparagus (26) 
Celery, fennel (8) ½ cup eggplant 
Cabbage (24) 1 tomato (18) 
Cucumbers (10) Radishes (13) 
Green or red pepper (18) Zucchini 
Spinach (23) Mushrooms (15) 
Onions (49) 
It is best to eat the vegetables raw if possible. You can eat celery, 
lettuce or cucumbers in any reasonable portion if you are hungry. 

1 Fruit, from the following list, may be chosen per meal or you may 
use it as a snack (fruits should be eaten at least 6 hours apart): 
10 Strawberries 
½ Grapefruit 
1 Orange 
1 Apple 
½ cup cherries, raspberries or blueberries 

You may have the juice of one lemon per day as well as one tablespoon 
of milk per day. 

With each meal you may choose a fat free or very low fat cracker 
serving that is around 50 calories per serving. Ryvita, stoned wheat 
thins, Melba toast, or grissini’s are great choices. 

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